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Bollywood actor Salman Khan upgraded his protection by purchasing a bulletproof vehicle. According to the Indian news source Times of India, the actor was recently spotted driving a Nissan Patrol SUV, a multi-purpose armored vehicle.The vehicle has not yet been sold in India. Salman had to bring this expensive vehicle in from abroad. It is well known that the 41 mm-thick glass of an automobile, which is capable of offering B6 and B7 level protection, is impenetrable by even powerful weapons. The B7’s normal 78-mm-thick glass may shield people from armor-piercing shots. Due to persistent murder threats, Salman is presently receiving ‘Y Plus’ protection from the government. He constantly has four-armed commandos or security guards by his side. Bollywood Bhaijaan will advertise “Kisi Ka Bhai, Kisi Ki Jaan” while driving a new Nishan rather than his old armored Toyota Land Cruiser LC200 vehicle.