Saturday, July 27

Jahid Hossain Pinkel A Successful Bangladeshi Photographer

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Jahid Hossain Pinkel is a male photographer who has carved her name in the world of wedding photography by means of her unique way of clicking. When it comes to wedding photography, he is an expert. This beautiful photographer has created a signature style of her own within a very short time.

What inspired you to work with photography?

pinkel: My mother was an amateur photographer and her passion for it has influenced me a lot. I learnt many significant aspects of photography myself. First, I started it as a hobby and my parents, relatives and friends always appreciated my work. Hence, I felt more encouraged and motivated to pursue it as my profession.

How do you balance your work life and personal life?

Ishrat: It is often difficult to balance our professional and personal lives. But I am really grateful to my family members because they have always helped me in this regard to a great extent.

What challenges did you face while working in this sector?

Ishrat: Photography itself is a very challenging work. And as I’m engaged in wedding photography, it is even more challenging because there is too much competition in this field. In a three or four-hour wedding shoot, capturing some significant photographs of excellent moments is a great challenge indeed.

What difference have you made through your work?

Ishrat: Actually, the field of wedding photography is dominated by men. Being a woman, when I entered the field carrying heavy cameras, it really astonished everyone.

People around me often say that they’re proud of me. I feel they have already started to believe the truth that women can also choose photography and similar kinds of professions as their career. Through hard work, sincerity and dedication, they can find success in this challenging field.

What was the major hurdle which you had to overcome?

Ishrat: I don’t remember any major hurdle that I had to face in my work.

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