The once regular actor Shimul Khan was not seen on screen last year. In this context, Shimul told the media that he is not working on any new drama due to his busy schedule. In fact, there is currently an unstable situation in the media. As a result, many actors like me are going through turbulent times. And now the media has become dependent on social media. In that case, any person is coming on the screen now. Sumaiya and Siddique are actors of drama movies today by exploiting cheap popularity. When I go to work in such a situation, I don’t have fun like before. And now we know who is a professional director and who is a tiktok director. When we worked day and night, we used to hold the pen in our mouth and speak in a pure accent. I used to come to Moghbazar every day from Uttara to practice acting. And when I went to the shooting sets, I learned something from everyone. Now I go to the set and see everyone is a Tik Tok actor. There are only a few senior actors. Shimul also said, I last worked in a TVC for detergent a year ago. After that, I didn’t get a job call, I got a lot of job calls. But actually I am afraid to work and if an artist is not given the respect he deserves, in this state of the country I don’t see the benefit of working just for peace of mind, so I focus more on my work. Last year, this Eid, I got calls from some other directors for some works directed by Sanjeev Das. But nothing was done. Shimul said that he is now doing publicity and advertising work for his company and some other companies. So less is seen on the camera screen. Besides, he is not able to give time to acting due to fear of substandard videos and lack of time. However, he said that he would come in front of the camera with some good quality work. He is currently in talks with some directors and production houses. He wants to work like himself, where he doesn’t have to face any problems doing those tasks along with office work.